not much considering its the worst job ever because the dentists think theyre doctors but theyre not
How much money does a dental hygiene earn in the state of Michigan?
how much money does a dental assistant earn denver Co
About thirteen thousand pounds a year, but more if you work independently for a private dentist, mostly all dentist in the u.k are now private, and it's really hard to get a dentist or dental hygenist in u.k, not enough dentists too many people wanting one! I'm just a dental nurse and i earn a lot more working for a private practice than i used to working for the national health service.
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in orange county California how much should a dental office manager should earn??
You need to have either a bachelor's or associate's degree. It is one of the top 10 paying careers, and you have a 100% chance to get employed after you get your degree.
between $22,900-35,400