

Best Answer

First answer:

Probably pretty terrible.

Another view:

They probably smelled just like people smell today. And it would have a lot to do with how often they bathed. Just as it does today.

Just a note:

People washed their hands in rose water before meals. In Paris, criers announced when the public bath house had hot water. Hildegarde of Bingen wrote about herbs to use in the shower. They probably smelled... floral and herby. Of course, there were the extreme moralists who believed bathing was evil, but these were rare. The frequency of bath houses, saunas, hot springs, or house tubs of either a wooden barrel, a tiled pool in the ground, or one mention of a gold tub, shows people in Europe did indeed bathe.

There is a link below to the section on history of an article on bathing.

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Q: What did people smell like in the middle ages?
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