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It means 'do not resuscitate'. In non-technical terms: Do not re-establish breathing and/or heartbeat. A person who is extremely ill or extremely advanced in years or frailty may permit this kind of order while in medical care. If the person suffers an event that causes the person to stop breathing, or for the heart to stop for example, it might be possible with standard methods to bring the person back and restore function. With a DNR, natural processes are allowed to continue, and this will usually mean that the person will die. This isn't cruel or criminal in any way. We are talking about situations where efforts to maintain biological life can do nothing to restore quality of life to one who is enjoying none to begin with. We are NOT talking about a person who begins to choke while sitting up and eating a meal. A choking person would always be helped to clear the airway.

DNR is a reasonable and humane element of standard care for certain individuals suffering serious illness and facing impossible odds of recovery.
"Do Not Resuscitate".

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