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It's good news -- no spinal stenosis.

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Q: What does widely patent spinal canal mean?
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What is narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal mean?


What does it mean when you have a capacious lumbar spinal canal?

If you have a capacious lumbar spinal canal, it means that it is a wide one. Some people have wider ones than others.

What does widely patent carotid artery mean?

There are two carotid arteries that carry blood from the heart to the brain. A widely patent carotid artery is one that open, unobstructed and that allows the free passage of blood through the artery.

What does canal stenosis mean?

The phrase canal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spaces open within your spine. This can put pressure on your spinal cord and cause pain.

What does left uncinate hypertrophy and grade 1 disc protrusion mean?

left uncinate hypertrophy and grade i disc protrusion mean spinal canal stenosis

What does Bony changes are again noted at the C6-C7 resulting in flattening of the thecal sac and mild spinal stenosis. mean?

Cervical spinal stenosis is a broad term which refers to a range of symptoms which can result from the narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck. ... This canal sits directly behind the bony blocks, or veterbrae which form the spine. It contains the ... This is known as cervical foraminal stenosis.

What does impingement of the ventral lateral surface of the cord at c4-5 with severe spinal stenosis mean?

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. The spinal canal is the space in your spinal column designed to house and protect the spinal cord. The 7 bones of your neck are known as cervical vertebrae. The narrowing of your spinal canal is most severe at the level of the 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae (C4-5.) Impingement is a term that describes a body structure, usually bone, pushing into either a nerve structure or part of the cord. The cord is divided into ventral, or front, and dorsal, or back. Also the lateral, or side structure are being affected. To sum up, at the level of the 4th and 5th vertabrae of the neck, you have an impingement of the front and side portion of your spinal cord.It means narrowing.

What does this mean C2-c3 patent central canal and neural foramen?

This typically indicates that there is no obvious compression or narrowing of the central canal or neural foramen at the C2-C3 level of the spine. "Patent" means that these spaces are open and unobstructed. It suggests there are no significant structural abnormalities in this area.

What does spinal cord mean?

What does spinal cord mean?

What is central canal encroachment mean?

It means either bone from the vertebra(s) is growing into the spinal canal. This would be caused by spondylosis, or in English, arthritis of the spine... The spinal canal runs down a passage made by the vertebrae and surrounding bony "arches". These arches have a part that 'sticks out' called the spinous process, and these are the "bumps" that you can feel when you run your fingers down someone's back. Here's a web address you can copy & paste into your browser to see what I'm talking about:,+picture&um=1&ie=UTF-8 Hope this helps!

What does L3-4 spinal stenosis grossly unchanged mean?

L3-L4 refers to the location of the spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal). The problem is found between the third and fourth vertebrae. Grossly unchanged means it appears the same to the naked eye (albeit on imaging studies) as the last time they looked.

What does narrowing of the subarticular recesses mean?

The subarticular recesses are located in the lumbar spinal canal. A narrowing of the subarticular recesses is referred to as lateral recess stenosis for which surgery may be required.