

Best Answer
  • No, Russell deserved to win Survivor. Many people don't like him but he is an absolutely amazing player! Just like Richard Hatch once said, "The strong survive and the weak die." When he gets to the end he gets cocky but he is still great!
  • Absolutely 100% think Russel should have won. Personally, I am happy that he was voted fan favorite and got some money but its not fair that both of those mean girls had won before and now Sandra gets to win!
  • I hope Russell has a good life and tries to move on because he deserves to happiness. Russell played the game better than ANY other player has before. He was a bit mean but that's the way your supposed to/or can play! They didnt get that when the jury voted. They based it on being nice and friendship which is annoying and stupid.
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Q: Should Sandra have won survivor
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Sandra Diaz-Twine.

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Sandra Diaz-Twine

Who will win heroes vs villains?

Sandra won survivor heroes vs villians. Sandra is a villain

Who has won survivor twice?

Just one. Sandra Diaz-Twine

Who wins Hero vs Villions?

Sandra Diaz-Twine from the villains tribe won. Russell Hantz was voted Fan Favorite.This made Sandra the first double winner in Survivor history having already won Survivor: Pearl Islands (season 7).The final three of Survivor: Heroes V.S. Villains were Sandra, Parvati, and Russell, all Villains.Sandra with 6 votes (all the Heroes voted for her)Parvati with 3 votes (Jerri, Coach and Danielle)Russell 0 votes

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Sandra, Tom, Parvati and J.T

Who is the only person to win Survivor competitions twice?

Sandra Diaz-Twine won twice; once in the seventh season Survivor: Pearl Island and then again in Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.

Who is most likely to win survivor heroes vs villains?

The actual winner was Sandra, and Russell won Fan Favourite. Not a single Hero was a finalist. The finalists were: Russell, Sandra, and Parvati.

Has a girl ever won survivor?

Yes many have including Tina, Danni, Amber, Jenna M., Sandra (twice), Parvati, and Natalie.

Top 3 in survivor heroes vs villains?

maybe Russell, yeah i know he's bad he's a lunitic i know bla bla bla you know if Tyson would have stick with his vote on Russell on day 15 but it might have been jerri if Russell lost the last immunity challenge i mean everybody hated parv and Sandra they want them gone exept Danielle,coach and Russell (if he went to the jury!) for parv and Courtney for Sandra, the heroes would vote jerri since she has not been in the finals and has won a survivor season! I'm saying the villains would vote for parv exept Courtney for Sandra and the heroes for jerri that's it if Russell was out on day 38!

Who won survivor somoa?

At first I was sure Russel was going to win because he pretty much controled the game. BUT Everyone in the jury was mad at him for voting them off. Sandra ended up winning survivor somoa

Who was a famous survivor?

Sandra Diaz-Twine is a famous survivor; she is the only person in Survivor history to win the game twice.