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I think the joke you're trying to tell is:

6 birds are sitting in a tree. A man shoots one. How many are left?

None. The rest flew away!

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14y ago

he shot 1 bird

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Q: 6 birds were sitting on a treeA man was ready to shoot that time 5 birds are flew awayBut 1 bird was sittin?
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When are birds ready to have children?

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Strictly speaking what does it mean when birds are full-fledged?

They are ready to fly

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birds can walk .. how do they start get ready to fly ? you dont see birds flying when its night time ? but some birds live on branches , but i dont think some birds cant walk .. i donno .. -MimiRules

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They take care of the egg by sitting on it. Intil it's ready to hatch.

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incubating eggs means keeping them warm ready to be hatched

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Birds use their wing muscles to spread out their wings when they are ready to fly. Birds use thermal air currents, updrafts, and wind to soar and flap their wings when needed.

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cow birds lay there eggs in other bird's nests.

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Birds cannot actually walk on water. For the most part, the appearance of walking on the water is simply the bird getting ready for flight.

What stage of a chickens life are they killed to be sold?

This all depends on what they are to be used for. Meat birds can be market ready by 12 weeks old. Stewing birds can be as old as 3 years or more.

How do birds make out?

Male and female birds have a vent that is called a cloaca. This vent is shared by the digestive and reproductive systems. When both females and males are ready to breed, they rub their cloacas together.