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There are religious education courses in private religious schools. When the religious school is funded by state money (99.9% of private schools), the religious classes cannot be mandatory for pupils and schools cannot refuse to board pupils from other religions. In all junior high schools, public or private, there is a religion awareness class over a few hours where pupils are introduced to all mainstream religions.

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Q: Does french school teach religion
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Can you teach one religion in school?

Only in a private religious school.

Is it constitutional to teach religion in public school?

Technically, yes.

What countries teach french in school?

Many private schools in Turkey.

Should public schools teach kids about god and Jesus?

i think they should, but others disapprove because they may have a different religion, so i think that they should teach about religion in school.

What Languages do they teach in French schools?

the languages taught in French school are mainly English, Spanish, German.

What religions are taught at school?

Well, christianity, hinduism, sikism, and jewism in my school.Answer:Most publicly funded schools do not teach religion. The exceptions are private religion based schools that teach their own faith.

Why did theyn take god out of school?

because in place like Canada it is everyones right to believe what they want to they can teach religion in school they just can't preach about it.

What is the job outlook for high school french teachers?

It would be good to know Spanish and French or Italian and French That way you can teach more classes and get a better chance at a job.

Where can I go to culinary school ?

I would go the French Insitutue. They teach you everything you need to know about being a chef.

What would they teach at school in Canada?

I have a friend who lives in Ottwa, ontairo and he says it's mandatory to learn french there?

Why was the mission?

to teach their religion

What do they teach in religion degree classes?

What do they teach in religion degree classes? Well it depends on which religion and yes there are a number of degrees for studying about religion. Good luck on getting that degree.