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Pizza in French is still pizza

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Q: How do you say cheese and tomato pizza in french?
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HOW TO SAY cheese tomato and basil pizza in Italian?

I love Pizza in Italian is; Amo la pizza

How do you say you like pizza in french?

J'aime la Pizza.

How do you say pizza with shrimp in french?

Pizza au crevettes

How do you say pizza night in french?

La nuit de pizza

How do you say eat cheese in French?

To eat cheese is "manger du fromage" in French.

How do you say i like cheese on my pizza in french?

it depends. do you think its good? or do you simply hate it? or do you want it to burn in a pit of fire and feed it to kitties?!?! which one will it be???

How do you say tomato in French?

It is "Tomate" in French.

How do you say how to make a pizza in french?

To ask the question 'How do you make a pizza?", you say "Comment pouvez-vous faire une pizza?"

What words do the French say that you say in English?

They say pizza like we do

How do you say turkey pizza in french?

la dinde pizza. I hope this helps :)

What toppings can you put on a pizza?

· artichoke hearts, anchovies · black beans, bacon · capers, Canadian bacon · dried tomatoes, duck · eggplant · feta cheese · ground beef, garlic · hot peppers · Italian sausage · jalapeno peppers · kalamata olives · limburger cheese, lobster, lettuce · meat, muenster cheese, mozzarella · oregano, olives, onions · pineapple chunks, peppers · Romano cheese · sauce, stake, spinach, salami, sausage · tomato sauce, tuna, turkey · walnuts

Can you give your french bulldog cheese?

Yes I heard doctors say french cheese is best for them really.