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desu noto

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Q: How do you say death note in Japanese?
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Can the Japanese Death Note be in English?

Yes , Death Note , be it translated into English or Japanese can be in either , or any , language .

What is the phrase 'death note' when translated from English to Japanese?

In Japanese you say death note like this: Desu NotoMore like de-tsu-no-toe. yeah. To pronounce it 'Dessu-noto'ANSWER: Well death in Japanese is 死「し」(Shi)。 And note is ノート (Noto) (as is note book not note in music.)if you say death デス (Desu) insted of 死 it is most likey they wont know what it means.

How do you say note in Japanese?


Is Death Note a TV series?

Death Note is a manga (Japanese comic book) and anime (Japenese show). It can be on TV.

How do you say death in Japanese?


How do you say death in Japaneses?

"Shi" is how you say death in Japanese. "Shi" is also how you say four Japanese, which is a reason why 4 is considered unlucky in Japan as it is said the same way as "death" is.

What Japanese actor acting to be L in death note?

Kenichi Matsuyama

What does Kira- Kira mean in Japanese?

It means 'killer' in Japanese i guess i know from watching Death Note!

How do you say black death in Japanese?


How do you say red death in Japanese?

Red death

Who is the death god of death note on true life?

Shido Nakamura in the Japanese Brian Drummond in the English dub

How do you say rain death in Japanese?

shinnu ame