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C'est XYZ qui vous appelle de ... (place or country name)

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Q: How do you say in French this is XYZ calling from?
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How do you say I'm calling again in French?

I'm calling again- Je telephone encore

How do you say Thank You for calling in french?

Merci d'avoir appelé.

In the XYZ affair what did the French want from the US?

The XYZ Affair was when french diplomats said the King wanted $250,000 for himself and 10 million dollars for France

How you would say 'Stop calling me' in french?

arrêtez de m'appeler

What was the French bribery scandal 1779?

xyz affair

Why did xyz affair happen?

the xyz affair happened mainly because the french wantd money so tey took it out on the us.

Why was the XYZ Affair so insulting to Americans?

it was because the people who became to be called XYZ did not say what their names were!!!

Who were the xyz french spies?

the xyz spies were a group of french spies that american diplomats had to deal with the spies often asked for large sums of money to relay messages to french diplomats the Americans thought that that was very tedious and tiresome

How did the xyz affair politics in the US?

The nation was unified by anger at the French.

How do you say help by french?

Aider is "to help". If you're calling for help, it's "Au secours!"

What was the scandal involving the French and the refusal of America to pay the bribe?

XYZ Affair.

How did the XYZ affair effect the us-french relationship?

It tore us apart