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Q: How do you say shut it in french?
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How do you say shut your mouth in french and say it?

fermer la bouche

How do you say shut the in french?

ferme le / la

How do you say shut the door in french?

ferme la porte

How do you say shut up you all in French?

taisez-vous tous

How do you say 'shut the f--- up' in French?

That could be said 'ferme-la !' in French. Not something you would say to your boss.

How to say shut up in french?

The phrase "shut up" in French is "tais-toi" for singular form, and "taisez-vous" for plural form.

How do you say shut your face in French?

"Fermez la bouche!" (pronounced FER-meh lah BOOSH) is the popular way of saying "Shut up." Literally it means, "Shut the mouth." You don't say "your" when describing one's body parts. For "shut your face" you would say "Fermez le visage!" (pronounced FER-meh luh vee-SAHZH) but it may be mistranslated by a french speaker as idiocy. Also, "ta gueule !"

How do you say 'keep my mouth firmly shut' in french?

garder ma bouche a fermé fermement

How do you say Shut up AND dont speak to me you Alcaholic in French?

Tais-toi et on ne me parle pas, alcoolique.

How do you say shut up in fijian?

how to say shut in Fijian

How do you say Shut your mouth in french?

Tais-toi Ta gueule (this is a cuss word, but most people in france, mostly paris, cuss, but it's always better to say "tais-toi")

What does fermee mean in french?

fermee is a french adj that means closed, shut, off, uncommunicative (when referring to a person), or exculsive. if you are talking about the french verb fermer- to shut off