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la promessa girl scout is the translation in Italian Language. It is the fifth most taught language. It has more than 65 million native speakers.

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what is the scout promise in Spain

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Q: How do you say the girl scout promise in spanish?
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How do you say girl scout cookies in spanish?

las galletas de Girl Scouts.

How do you say i am a girl scout in spanish?

soy una niña exploradora

What is the Girl Scout pledge?

Girl Scouts and Girl Guides say the Girl Scout Promise, not pledge. The Promise is based on the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) Promise:On my honour, I promise that I will do my best:To do my duty to God and the King (Or God and my country);To help other people at all times;To obey the Guide Law

What are the girls Scout belief?

Girl Scouts USA believe in the Girl Scout Promise & the Girl Scout Law as below:The Girl Scout PromiseOn my honor I will tryTo serve God & my countryTo help people at all timesAnd to live by the Girl Scout LawThe Girl Scout LawI will do my best to be:Honest and fair,Friendly and helpful,Considerate and caring,Courageous and strong, andResponsible for what I say and do,And to respect myself and others,Respect authority,Use resources wisely,Make the world a better place, andBe a sister to every Girl Scout.

How do you say to promise in spanish?

"to promise" is "prometer", "to swear" (like promise, not to curse) is "jurar"

How do you say Girl Scout in Icelandic?

It's the same for a girl or a boy, so girl scout or a boy scout translates to "skáti" in Icelandic.

How do Chinese Girl Scouts say the promise?

There is no Chinese Girl Scout Promise because there is no Girl Scout or Girl Guide organization in China at the present time. Scouting was officially banned in China in 1949 by the Communist Party. In recent years, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association has been working to establish partnerships with youth and women's organizations in mainland China. Older girls, age 15 and above, may join the Scout Association of the People's Republic of China, a member of the Delta Baden Powell Association.

How do yo say promise in spanish?

To promise = prometer (prawmayTEAR)(a) promise = (una) promesa (oonah prawMAYsah)

How do you say do you promise in spanish?

There are two ways that you can say "promise" in Spanish, promesa or esperanza.Both are acceptable, but promesa would be the more common of the two.Promise - promesa

How do you say I promise to practice my Spanish in Spanish?

"Prometo practicar mi espanol"

How do you say Girl Scout in Hawaiian?

Girl Scout Girl Scouts in Hawaii are members of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), so they use English for Girl Scouts.

How do you say scout in Hawaiian?

Girl Scout Girl Scouts in Hawaii are members of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), so they use English for Girl Scouts.