The Pope is the leader of Catholicism. To say God bless the pope in Latin you say "Deum benedicite in papam".
blessed day
The Latin hymn Tantum ergo sacramentum veneremur cernuiis always used for adoration of the Blessed sacrament. It is translated " Such a great sacrament, we venerate on bended knee"
You write Donum Dei. It's already Latin.
Como caido del cielo... That's Italian, not Latin.
angel of mercy
Spes beata is Latin for "blessed hope"
blessed day
I am blessed is Beatus sum
The Latin word for "blessed" is "beatus." It can also be translated to "happy," "fortunate," or "prosperous."
beatus, -a , -um is the Latin adjective meaning "blessed"
truly blessed
The Sanskrit word for 'blessed' is 'เคถเฅเคญ' which is transliterated as 'ลubha'.
use the adjective "blessed" = benedictum (sing.) benedictorum (pl.)
The name Benedict originates from Latin. It is derived from the Latin name Benedictus, meaning "blessed."
How do you write It is what it is in Latin typography?
we are blessed
mubarak = مبارك