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American attitudes and way of life has an influence world over and E.B White's story portrays a glimpse of that attitude with hints of its irony.

The story's protagonist (white himself) is shown to have nothing in quality that takes to become an American and thus the category of being "Un-American" has an acute irony in the face of everyone else being "American" in its symbolic sense.

His interest in Parenell's sister Eileen is natural as it sounds to be. What seems to be unnatural in a strict 'American' sense is his inability to approach, face or impress her - a very 'un-American' attitude!

The author satirizes all aspects of American life by portraying a character all opposed to the regular trend of the so called American social life. His inability to dance for instance, is seen to be a great drawback, for, going to a party and dancing, in American culture, is very much a part of every day activity. "I wanted to do these things but did not have the nerve", he says and this is an irony in the face of hundreds of other boys of his similar age, health and physic doing all things - taking girls for dance, drinking soda and the like.

With a streak of sarcasm in portraying what he calls "Un-American" activities, the author succeeds well in projecting the irony of American life and attitude.

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Q: How is EB White's short story 'Afternoon of an American Boy' a satire on American life?
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