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Q: How would you say ear in french?
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l'oreille bonbons

How do you say ear muffs in French?

ear muffs (to keep your ears warm in Winter time) would be called "des cache-oreilles" in French. The model for suppressing noises (at the fire range or on a building site) would be called 'un casque anti-bruit'.

How do you say ear bob in french?

"des boucles d'oreilles, des pendants d'oreille"

How do you say 'worker' in French?

In order to say worker in French, you would say, travailleur. If you wanted to say boss in French you would say, patron.

How do you say ears in French?

Des boucles d'oreilleEarrings are "des boucles d'oreille" in French.

How would say Llamas in French?

ow would say LLAMAS IN FRENCH

How do you say i have ear ache in french?

j'ai mal aux oreilles (both ears), j'ai mal à l'oreille (only one ear)

Is ear piercing is an art?

Umm i would say so. You have to know where just to pierce on or in the ear or you might hit a nerve. Umm i would say so. You have to know where just to pierce on or in the ear or you might hit a nerve.

How do you say Socks in french?

To say sock in French you would say, chaussette. To say pants you would say pantalon, and to say shirt you would say chemise.

How do yo say I would like in french?

To say "I would like" in French, you can say "Je voudrais."

How do you say I hate French in French?

Je déteste le français.To say "I hate French" (as in the French language) in French, you would say, "Je déteste le français." If you want to say "I hate the French" (as in the French people), you would say instead, "Je déteste les français."

How do you say 'of course i would' in French?

To say "of course I would" in French, say "bien sûr (que) je voudrais".