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The Latin word for sustainability is the word sostenibilita. The Spanish word for this word is sostenibilidad and the German word is nachhaltigkeit.

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Q: Latin word for sustainability
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What does journal mean in Roman?

There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".

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What did the Romans call yeast?

The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".The Latin word for yeast is "fermentum".

What was the name of roman two has two letters and ends with o?

The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".

What is the Latin word for ego?

Ego IS a Latin word. It is the Latin for I.

What is Latin word?

The Latin word for "word" is verbum.

What does the Latin word nomous mean?

There is no such word in Latin; -ous is not a Latin word ending.

What is the latin word for siblings?

The Latin word for siblings is fratribus. The Latin word for sister is soror, while the Latin word for brother is frater.