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The Romance languages are derived from spoken Latin: * Italian * French * Spanish * Portuguese * Romanian Also: Catalan, Provencal, etc.

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Q: The modern group of languages that came out of vernacular Latin?
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What group of modern languages is most influenced by Latin?

The Romance languages, such as Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian, are the group of modern languages that are most influenced by Latin. These languages developed from Latin, which was spoken in the Roman Empire. While they have evolved and incorporated influences from other languages over time, their vocabulary, grammar, and even pronunciation still bear similarities to Latin.

What is the family of languages related to latin called?

Romance languages. Like 'Roman'ce languages. Cause Latin comes from the Romans

How is Latin adopted in civilization?

The Romance languages (one group of many human languages) are derived from Latin. Many Latin words are borrowed directly from Latin into other languages, and many abbreviations are derived from their Latin roots.

French is a member of what group of languages?

French is a member of the Romance language group, which also includes languages like Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. These languages all originate from Latin.

What languages are greek latin and English?

They all belong to the Indo-European language group!

What types of languages are greek latin and English?

They all belong to the Indo-European language group.

What is the definition of vernacular language?

The vernacular is the language of ordinary people, the language of the country. In Europe, it has historically been used to denote languages like French, Spanish, German, English in contrast to Latin. (In England, it was additionally used to denote English in contrast to French). It can also mean chocolate in chinese Specifically, the standard native language of a country or locality. More loosely, it is used to mean the slang, argot or jargon of a particular group. More specifically, 'vernacular' is the street talk of a native language. English is a native language. "You made me angry." would be the English. "You pissed me off." would be the vernacular.

What 6 languages are included in the Romance group?

The six languages included in the Romance group are Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, and Catalan.

What is a writing system?

A writing system is a system for writing a language or group of languages, for example, the Latin or Cyrillic alphabets.

What year did Mexico become part of latin America?

Since August 13, 1521 when Mexico was conquered by Spain. Remember, Latin America represents the group of countries whose languages originated from Latin; those languages are specifically Spanish, French and Portuguese, the languages of Spain, France and Portugal which founded or conquered nations throughout the Americas.

Is the Scandinavian language Latin based?

No, danish comes from the same group of languages as English do: the germanic languages (and they come from the Indo-European languages). While English is a germanic language, danish is also a part of the northern languages (the languages in Scandinavia).

What language is called the lingua franca of the Old times within the Indo-European group of languages?

Many Indo-European languages had that role, but one of the most prominent was Latin.