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It means: Same here, my pretty little daughter.

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Q: What does Igualmente mijita linda mean?
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Igualmente means... "I feel the same for you" -Nice to meet you -Igualmente (nice to meet you too) Adios means Bye

What does igualmente y te amo mean in English?

Igualmente means the same, te amo means i love you. Te amo igualmente is saying i love you just as much or the same.

How do you spell mijita?

Mijita is correctly spelled. It's derived from "mi hijita"--since the h is silent, the word is shortened.

What does igualmente means?

igualmente means likewise in spanish

What does 'igualmente' mean in Spanish?

Same here, likewise.

What does ingualmente mean in English?

The word is "igualmente" and it means "same here" or "equally".

How do you say igualmente in Spanish?

Igualmente means, "Same here." You use this when you are either: 1.) Introducing yourself for the first time and you are asking someone how they are doing. You can reply, "Igualmente," which would mean, "Same here, I'm feeling the same way, or Equal." OR 2.) You are just being casual with a friend.

What does igualmente mi armor mean in English?

Equally my *armor* * I don't know of armor as a Spanish word, perhaps you meant 'amor', which is love. Equally my love : Igualmente mi amor

What does iwuall mente mean?

"Iwuall mente" does not have a known meaning in English. It could be a phrase in another language or a typographical error.

What does igulmente mean?

'Igualmente' is a Spanish expression that means 'the same for you' in English, for instance: If someone says 'Que tengas un buen día' in Spanish, which means 'Have a nice day', it's perfectly correct to answer 'Igualmente' as a courtesy phrase.

What does mijita mean?

mijita is the condensed form of the common term of endearment "mi hijita" literally translating to "my small daughter." More accurately it means "my dear child" . . . this word combination also manifests itself in Spanish slang with a spelling as follows: m'jita or m'hijita. - All of which mean the same thing. RESPUESTA En ESPANOL: signifca "mi hijita" - es la misma idea pero mas corta

What does mijito mean?

"Mijito" is a term of endearment commonly used in Chile, which roughly translates to "my little one" or "my dear." It is typically used to show affection towards a person, especially children or loved ones.