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Nettoyage is cleaning in French referring to cleaning a house. Nettoyage a`sec is dry cleaning.

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Q: What does cleaning mean in french?
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Service de nettoyoage is available in which country?

By referring to "Service de nettoyoage" you must mean a cleaning service. Cleaning services are available in almost, if not, all countries of the world. A French one would be found in a French-speaking part of the world.

What does nettoient mean in French?

Nettoyer (veb) means to clean up, to tidy in French. "ils / elles nettoient" (3rd person plural, present tense) means "they are cleaning".

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It depends on what you mean by "brushes". If you are referring to implements for cleaning (usually with a handle and bristles), these are "brosses". If you are referring to painting, they are "pinceaux"

How do you say cleaning in french?

Menager The above is 'cleaning' as in housework. 'Nettoyer' is cleaniing of a particular object.

What is the french word for clean?

cleaning (noun) is le nettoyage in French. I am cleaning: je nettoie, je suis en train de nettoyer

How do you say house cleaning services in French?

nettoyer is clean en francais or in french. =)

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"Brosse" in French means brush, as in a tool used for cleaning or grooming.

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Janitor (cleaning) Concierge (Hotel)

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are you doing the cleaning, are you cleaning the house

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Ajax is an abrasive powder cleaning substance.

What does the french word plongeur mean in English?

it refers to a skin diver. It literally means "a plunger". It can also mean someone who does all the menial tasks in a restaurant kitchen, such as the washing-up and cleaning. (he or she plunges his or her hands in the sink).