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"Estudiar" is the Spanish verb meaning "to study".
Estudiar means to study

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Q: What does estudiar mean in Spanish?
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Related questions

What does yo tengo que estudiar mean in spanish?

"Yo tengo que estudiar" translates to "I have to study" in English.

What does estudian mean in spanish?

"Estudian" is the third person plural form of the verb "estudiar" in Spanish, which means "they study" in English.

What does esdiar mean in spanish?

Esdiar is not a word in the Spanish language. It could though, be a typo for Estudiar which is the Spanish word for "to study".

How do you say to studying in spanish?

To study = estudiar studying = estudiando To be studying = estar estudiando

What does terminar las tarjetas de estudiar mean in spanish?

Finish the study cards.

How do say study in spanish?


Is the spanish verb estudiar irregular?

No. Estudiar is a regular verb in Spanish. When conjugating this verb it follows all the rules for -ar verbs.

How so you say to study in spanish?


How do you say I will study in spanish?

Voy a estudiar.

How do you say We should in Spanish?

figuratively, "debemos de estudiar". Literally (taking into account the whole question, including "in spanish"), it's "debemos de estudiar en espanol".

How do you say will you help me study in Spanish?

¿Me va / van / vas / vais a ayudar a estudiar?¿Me ayudará / ayudarán / ayudarás / ayudaréis a estudiar?

How to say What do you have to study in spanish?

Que tienes que estudiar?