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It means "What is there in the students desk?"

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Q: What does que hay en el pupitre mean in English?
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What does que hay mean in English?

"Que hay" is a Spanish expression that can be translated to English as "what's up" or "what's going on." It is commonly used as a casual greeting or to ask someone how they are doing.

What does this mean in English que hay de bueno?

It means, "What is there [that's] good?"

What does Que hay gente buena mean in English?

It's Spanish for "that there are good people."

What does hay muchas cosas que hacer mean in English?

It means "There are many things to do".

What does Hay que sonar en grande mean in English?

"Hay que soñar en grande" translates to "One must dream big" in English. It conveys the idea of setting ambitious goals and having big dreams.

What does hay que mean in spanish?

"que hay" might mean: that there areif it's a question it might mean: what is there?if you accidentally mixed up the order and you meant "hay que," that means: it is necessary.

What does Que hay en las cuidades grandes mean in English?

It means "What is there in the big cities?"

What is que' hay en clase mean in English?

A good interpretation would be "What's in class?"

What does que hay en tu escuela mean in English?

"Que hay en tu escuela" in English means "What is in your school?"

What does hay que bonita mean?

Ay! que bonita = Hey, how beautiful you are ! ('Hay' = 'there is/are')

What do no hay mucho mas que una persona feliz mean in English?

No hay mucho mas que una persona feliz = There is nothing much (better) than a happy person.

What does no hay nada mejor que nuestra familia mean in English?

Translation: There is nothing better than our family.