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Q: What has a bed but doesn't sleep runs but doesn't have legs falls but doesn't get hurt?
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Why do your legs hurt when you sleep?

Your legs may hurt when you sleep because you are experiencing growing pains. You may also have restless leg syndrome which can cause sore legs.

What often falls but never gets hurt?

It is RAIN. Also, a cat because it uses its legs and doesn't get hurt.

What should you do if your legs hurt?

Maybe you should sleep on it for a little while. And see how it feels then.

Proper way to lay bed?

Either on your back or on your side.. if you sleep on your stomach then you can hurt your back.. I learn to put a pillow between my legs when i sleep on my side to prevent me from rolling onto my stomach.

How does a man with legs have no legs?

he has legs but is unable to use them. therefore he has legs but yet again doesnt.

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What causes your arms and legs to hurt?

Why doesnt rayman have legs arms or a neck?

i think he doesnt have them because he is a ghost

Why does your right hand go to sleep at night?

well mine doesnt. but this could be cause by laying on it or contorting it in such a way that blood flow is restricted, like when your legs fall asleep after sitting on them.

Do kangaroo mice sleep underground during the day?

I think it is because they are nocturnal this mean they stay in burrows in the day and are active at night also to protect themselves form preditors . hope this helps :)

How do you know your legs is broken?

Does it hurt?

Does pee run up hill?

no it doesnt even run because it doesnt have legs HAHA!! :)