Una bella nipote is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "a beautiful granddaughter." The feminine singular phrase also translates into English as "one beautiful niece." The pronunciation will be "OO-na BEL-la nee-PO-tey" in Italian.
Bamboline as an endearment and tortini as small-sized desserts are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "baby cakes." The feminine and masculine plural nouns respectively translate literally into English as "little babes" or "small dolls" and "little cakes" or "small cakes." The respective pronunciations will be "BAM-bo-LEE-ney" for affection and tor-TEE-nee" for baking in Italian.
Sei bella sotto ogni aspetto, bimba! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Baby, you're beautiful in every way!" The declarative/exclamatory statement translates literally as "You're beautiful under each aspect, baby!" The pronunciation will be "sey BEL-la SOT-to O-nyee a-SPET-to BEEM-ba" in Italian.
Zou, or zou no ko.
"Hello, my beautiful baby!" in English is Ciao, mia bella bambina! in Italian.
È una bella bambina! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "She is a beautiful baby!" The feminine singular sentence also translates literally as "She's one beautiful baby!" in English. The pronunciation will be "eh OO-na BEL-la bam-BEE-na" in Pisan Italian.
Bambino in Italian is "baby" in English.
"Baby girl" in English means bambina in Italian.
Benvenuto, bello bimbo! is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Welcome, beautiful baby boy!"Specifically, the greeting benvenuto is "welcome." The masculine adjective bello means "beautiful, handsome." The masculine noun bimbo translates as "baby boy" in this context.The pronunciation will be "BEN-vey-NOO-to BEL-lo BEEM-bo" in Italian.
Angioletto in Italian means "baby angel" or "little angel" in English.
Bambino is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "baby boy." The pronunciation of the masculine singular noun will be "bam-BEE-no" in Italian.
"Baby" is an English equivalent of the Italian word mimmo. The masculine singular noun in question also may be translated into English as "infant." The pronunciation will be "MEEM-mo" in Italian.
"Baby, why are you so beautiful?" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Bambina, perché sei così bella? The interrogative is asked of a female since "baby" and "beautiful" are in the feminine singular Italian forms. The pronunciation will be "bam-BEE-na per-KEH SEH-ee ko-SEE BEL-la" in Italian.
"Baby" in English means bambina for a female and bambino for a male in Italian.
Maestro e bambino in Italian means "master and baby boy" in English.
"You are my darling baby!" in English is Sei il mio piccolo amore! or Sei il mio piccolo tesoro! in Italian.