The Italian translation fo bear is Orso.
When translated into Japanese, big bear would be Okina kuma, okina meaning big and kuma meaning bear. In Japanese hiragana, big bear would look like this 大きなクマ.
it is "orso"
Bernadetta is an Italian equivalent of the English name "Bernadette".Specifically, the name is a feminine proper noun. It originates in the older German words bern, bero ("bear") and hard, harti ("strong"). The pronunciation will be "BER-na-DET-ta" in Itailan.
Orso d'oro
"Polar bear" in English means orso polare in Italian.
"Candy bear" in English is orsetto di dolce in Italian.
"Panda bear" in English is orso panda.
"The bear went to sleep!" in English is L'orso è andato a dormire! in Italian.
bear= orso; Cat = gatto or micio
Orsa in the feminine and orso in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "bear." The pronunciation for the feminine singular form is "OR-sa." It will be "OR-so" for the masculine singular form.It's ORSO.
"Bear" is the English equivalent of the Italian name Orso. The masculine proper noun in question also references the constellations known as the Big Bear (Dipper) and Little Bear (Dipper). The pronunciation will be "OR-so" in Italian.
Orsetta in the feminine and orsetto in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "bear cub." Context makes clear which option suits. The respective pronunciations will be "or-SET-ta" in the feminine and "or-SET-to" in the masculine in Italian.
Mamma orsa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Mama bear." The feminine singular designation in question serves as a rare instance whereby English and Italian resemble each other in phrase or sentence structure. The pronunciation will be "MAM-ma OR-sa" in Italian.
Orsa bruna in the feminine and orso bruno in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "brown bear." Context makes clear which form suits even though the second example tends to prevail. The respective pronunciations will be "OR-sa BROO-na" in the feminine and "OR-so BROO-no" in the masculine in Italian.
suyoi kuma
熊 xiong