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Hebrew = tikva (תקווה)

Japanese = 希望

Chinese = 希望

Korean = 희망

Spanish = esperanza

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Q: What is hope in different languages?
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In French, it is "ma chere" which means my dear, hope that helps.

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There are many problems of communication in different languages. Interpretations, inflection and meaning of words can be lost in communication of different languages.

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people can communicate better and not talk with different languages you cant understand.that's it hope i helped =)

What was the most important change brought by development of language?

people can communicate better and not talk with different languages you cant understand.that's it hope i helped =)

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In Chinese we say= Yang In Afrikaans we say = Skaap In German we say = Schaf (Hope the spelling is correct :) )

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Different languages were designed by different people, obviously.

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People who speak several different languages are called polyglots.

What best explains why rhymes is used differently in different languages?

most languages are similar in structure but have different rules about rhyme. -apex