

What is mittelschmerz?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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I have mittelschmerz and it is pain during the middle of your cycle....when you ovulate. I went to the ER not knowing what else to do....I tried a heating pad and OTC (over the counter) pain killers. Nothing helped but the day after I went to the doctor I made an appointment with the family doctor as soon as i told her what was wrong she told me what it was and immediately put me on Birth Control I am so glad I take birth control it is a miracle!!! I haven't had any problems with it. But overall, An egg develops in the ovary, it's surrounded by follicular fluid. During ovulation, the egg, fluid, and some blood are released from the ovary. The cause of mittelschmerz is unknown. The fluid and/or blood irritates the lining of the abdominal cavity, causing the pain. The pain goes away once the body absorbs the fluid or blood. I hope this answers your question.

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Pain after ovulation?

This is known as "mittelschmerz".

Why do you get lower belly pain 14 days before menstruation?

Most likely due to ovulation pain, or mittelschmerz.

What is mittelschmertz?

Mittelschmerz is the pelvic pain that some women experience during ovulation. Ovulation generally occurs about midway between menstrual cycles; hence the term mittelschmerz, which comes from the German words for "middle" and "pain." The pain of mittelschmerz usually occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvis, either in the middle or to one side. The pain can range from a mild twinge to severe discomfort and usually lasts from minutes to hours. In some cases, a small amount of vaginal bleeding or discharge might occur. Some women experience nausea, especially if the pain is severe.

When does Mittelschmerz occur?

Just google the word and you'll get an article in wikipedia. That would have taken less time than typing the question here, and you wouldn't have had to wait for an answer.

What does it mean when your ovaries ache?

Depending on how long and how much one of the main causes of ovarian pain is the release of an egg(s). Typically it does not hurt for long (30 minutes-2 hours). This process is called mittelschmerz. If the pain is more serious it is best to seek professional help.

You got your period but you was spotting for a week and you feel a slight pain left of your navel what causes this?

Usually this is called mittelschmerz which is pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen in women occurring midway in the intermenstrual interval, thought to be secondary to the irritation of the pelvic peritoneum by fluid or blood escaping from the point of ovulation in the ovary.

Is pink discharge and cramping a sign of pregnancy?

Sometimes spotting (pink discharge) and mild cramping are signs of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. However, you may be ovulating and experiencing mittelschmerz (middle of the month pain or ovulation pain). Spotting can sometimes occur with ovulation. If you continue to experience spotting and pain, see your physician.

What causes an appendix attack?

Appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix. In a male they will experience sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. Within 12 to 24 hours they will have a very difficult time moving in which they will not want to move. They (most likely will) experience nausea, loss of appetite, possibly throwing up, and maybe even constipation or diarrhea. On first feeling this pain immediate medical attention is needed. If not taken care of, the appendix could rupture, leaking blood into the abdomen resulting in death. Now, the same will happen to a woman, although, a woman may be experiencing a pain called Mittelschmerz. It is the German word for mid-cylce pain. Between a woman's menstrual cycle when she is ovulating she can have a very uncomfortable pain which will feel worse than cramps. This pain can last for a few minutes or for 6-8 hours. Occasionally, the pain will last for up to 48 hours. If any stinging, stabbing, or pinching pain it may not be Mittelschmerz. Please seek medical attention right away. I hope this information has helped you. :)

U are getting period pain 2 weeks before you are due on are u pregnant?

Some women experience mild pain in their lower abdomen when they are ovulating. Typical ovulation symptoms and signs include changes in cervical mucus and a small rise in basal temperature. For most women, ovulation occurs about once every month until menopause, apart from episodes of pregnancy and breastfeeding. About twenty percent of women experience pain and discomfort during ovulation. The duration and intensity of the pain can vary from one woman to the next. Typically, it will last from a few minutes to 48 hours. In most cases, ovulation pain doesn't indicate any sort of problem. Ovulation pain is also known as mid-cycle pain and mittelschmerz (German for 'middle pain').


DefinitionMittelschmerz is one-sided, lower abdominal pain that occurs in women at or around the time of an egg is released from the ovaries (ovulation).Alternative NamesOvulation pain; Midcycle painCauses, incidence, and risk factorsAbout 20% of women experience mittelschmerz, or pain associated with ovulation. The pain may occur just before, during, or after ovulation.There are several explanations for the cause of this pain. Just prior to ovulation, follicle growth may stretch the surface of the ovary, causing pain. At the time of ovulation, fluid or blood is released from the ruptured egg follicle and may cause irritation of the abdominal lining. Mittelschmerz may be felt on one side one month, then switch to the opposite side the next month, or it may be felt on the same side for several months in succession.The pain is not harmful and does not signify the presence of disease. In fact, women who feel this pain may be at an advantage when planning or trying to avoid pregnancy. A woman is most likely to become pregnant just before ovulation, on the day of ovulation, or immediately after ovulation. However, birth control methods that rely solely on predicting ovulation are far from completely reliable.SymptomsLower-abdominal pain that is:One-sidedRecurrent or with similar pain in pastTypically lasting minutes to a few hours, possibly as long as 24-48 hoursUsually sharp, cramping, distinctive painSevere (rare)May switch sides from month to month or from one episode to anotherBegins midway through the menstrual cycleSigns and testsA pelvic examination shows no abnormalities. Other diagnostic procedures (such as an abdominal ultrasound) may be performed to rule out other causes of ovarian pain if ovulatory pain is prolonged.TreatmentNo treatment is usually necessary. Pain relievers (analgesics) may be needed in cases of prolonged or intense pain.Expectations (prognosis)The outcome is expected to be excellent.ComplicationsThere are usually no complications.Calling your health care providerCall for an appointment with your health care provider if ovulation pain seems to change, lasts longer than usual, or occurs with vaginal bleeding.PreventionHormonal forms of contraception can be taken to prevent ovulation -- and therefore ovulatory pain -- but otherwise there is no known prevention.ReferencesRebar RW, Erickson GF. Menstrual cycle and fertility. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 256.Williams R, Elam G. Gynecology. In: Rakel RE, ed. Textbook of Family Medicine. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 36.

Can women feel ovulation?

During pregnancy a woman should not be able to ovulate. So I think she won't be able to feel ovulation pains as well. Should she be in pain during pregnancy similar to ovulation pains I would advice her to see a doctor.

Why would an Emt ask a young adult female patient who is complaining of abdominal discomfort where she is in her menstrual cycle?

An EMT is trained to try to discover possible reasons for a patient's emergency in order to give appropriate treatment/ transport. In young women of childbearing age, abdominal pain can be caused normally during ovulation, which occurs midway through the menstrual cycle and may be accompanied by 'spotting' or a small amount of vaginal bleeding. This pain is sometimes referred to as"Mittelschmerz", a German word for "middle pain". Pain caused by ovulation may be uncomfortable but it is rarely an emergency. The pain may be moderate to severe if the woman has developed an ovarian cyst. The cyst develops on the ovary near the ripening follicle containing the ova, or egg. The cyst swells as it grows causing pressure and pain, usually experienced just before a period or soon afterwards. If the ruptured cyst contained blood rather than plasma, the irritation and pain can be greater. This is not an emergency unless accompanied by fever and vomiting, but it does require medical followup with a gynecologist. Abdominal pain late in the cycle may or may not be related to menses. The EMT may also ask the same patient whether or not she is sexually active, and whether she has missed a period recently. Abdominal pain not related to menses can be caused by everything from intestinal gas to peritonitis. The questions asked by the EMT are intended to be helpful in determining the nature of a response to a call for immediate help. In some areas, if an EMT believes no emergency exists, the client may be referred to her own doctor or to a clinic for followup within a few days. If an emergency is suspected or confirmed then the EMT will begin treatment as needed and will transport her to the ED of a local hospital immediately for medical assessment and care. Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg has implanted in the fallopian tubes rather than the uterus, may signal a true emergency. Early warning signs can include cramping pain on one side or the other, pain in the lower abdomen and light vaginal bleeding. These warning signs would tend to occur in the last half of the cycle or later. The true emergency comes when the fallopian tubes are stretched by the growing embryo to the point of rupture. Signs of rupture include bleeding which causes sharp, stabbing pain in the abdomen, pelvis and possibly the shoulder and neck. As bleeding continues and the blood pressure drops signs of shock such as lightheadedness and dizziness worsen. These symptoms usually indicate a serious emergency requiring immediate transport to a hospital where surgery is performed as soon as possible on arrival to stop the bleeding. For information on ovarian cysts go to: For information on ectopic pregnancy see: