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Q: What is the French word for extraordinary?
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What country does the word extraordinaire come from?

It is the French for extraordinary.

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Can you give me a sentence with the word extraordinary in it?

That's an extraordinary claim! He had extraordinary powers of persuasion.

How do you spell terrific?

That is the correct spelling for the word "terrific".(It originally meant causing terror but now is synonymous with great or very good.)

How many compound words can you find in extraordinary?

extraordinary is a compound word

Can you give me a sentence for the word extraordinary?

I have extraordinary skills in playing the guitar. He is an extraordinary person because he can fly in the air!

What does the prefix mean in the word extraordinary?

extraordinary is only its own word. it i snot made up of a suffix or prefix, like i said it is its own word. so it is none :)

What is a sentence with the word extraordinaire?

The noun form of the adjective 'extraordinary' is extraordinariness.Some synonyms for the adjective extraordinary are:atypicalexceptionalnoveloutstandingpeculiarrareremarkableunexpecteduncommonunusual

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Which part of the word extraordinary is the suffix?


What is the word for extraordinary in German?

Depending on context, extraordinary can be translated as:außergewöhnlichaußerordentlichbesondersmerkwürdigungewöhnlichseltsamextraordinär