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Q: What is the Japanese word for 'traditional'?
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Futon is an English word derived from the Japanese language where it is a traditional style of bedding

What does Xion mean in Japanese?

In Japanese, "Xion" does not have a specific meaning as it is not a traditional Japanese word. It could be a made-up name or a foreign word.

What is traditional costume in Japanese word?

The traditional clothing of Japan is called 'kimono,' written: 着物

How does Miyabi differ from the other traditional Japanese aesthetic ideals?

Miyabi is a Japanese word that is usually translated to mean "elegance". Miyabi, referring to the traditional Japanese aesthetic, refers to a style that eliminates anything deemed "vulgar".

What is the traditional Japanese sport?

Traditional Japanese sports include:SumoKendoAikidoJudoKarateKyudo

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The word ninja is a noun, a word for a person skilled in ninjutsu, a traditional Japanese technique of espionage, characterized by stealthy movement and camouflage.Some synonyms for the noun ninja are:spyagentoperativespecialistinformerwatcher

What is the Traditional Japanese fashion?

The traditional Japanese fashion is a kimono robe, and white faces.

What is the name of the traditional Japanese clothes?

One of the traditional Japanese garments is called 'kimono.'

What is the word 'keeper' when translated from English to Japanese?

kiipaa is more common today but 留守居 (Rusui) is the traditional word

What is the meaning of The Japanese word Obi?

Obi is a type of sash, usually decorative, worn over kimonos and other traditional Japanese attire.

What language did the word haiku originate from?

The word "haiku" originates from Japanese. It is a form of traditional Japanese poetry characterized by its 3-line structure and focus on nature and the moment.

Is kimono is a traditional Irish costume?

no. its a traditional Japanese or vietnamese dress robe