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Stars can be translated as "étoiles" (astronomical object).

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a star is 'une étoile' (fem.) in French.

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What is the meaning of the french word les etoiles?

I am french and the word: les étoiles means the stars

What does the french word d'etoiles mean?

Stars (as in those in the sky), not celebrities (which would be vedettes).

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étoiles montantes. In French estrellas en ascenso in spanish

What does the French word etoile mean in English?

The French word etoile typically refers to celestial bodies whereas in English it solely refers to stars, more recently however it has been used to describe celebrities.

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mes stars preferees

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Stars = Stelle

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les stars du rock

What are French stars called?

French stars are called "étoiles" if you mean celestial bodies. Celebrities may be called "étoiles", but it would appear old-fashioned. Most people call them stars as you do in English.

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Is object a French word?

i think it's a french word i was reading a french letter and this word is in their and i no its french.

What is stars in french?

For a celestial star: une étoile. For a movie star: une vedette, but it is old fashioned, nowadays the English word "star" is used.