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The word 'vie' is French for life. It's a feminine gender noun. So its definite article is 'la' ['the']. Its indefinite article is 'une' ['a, one']. In the plural, the form is 'vies', for 'lives'. The definite article in the plural is 'les' ['the']. The indefinite article is 'des' ['some'].

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Q: What is the meaning of 'vie'?
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to complete for their attention and praise.vie is archaic or old- fashioned word meaning complete

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'For life'

Why is it sometimes written Sa La Vie then I am corrected and told Cest La Vie?

'C'est la vie' is actually the correct way to say "That's life" or "It's life". Sa la vie would not make sense in French, as 'sa' (meaning his or her) has a different meaning than 'C'est' (meaning It's/That's)

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un mode de vie translates as 'a way of life' in English.

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bon bon vie is french. it means good, good life.

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"maison de la vie" measn "house (or home) of Life" in French.

What is the meaning of la vie dans?

La vie = life dans = in It appears the sentence, or phrase is incomplete. FYI: dans la vie = "in life". As in: (What you do) "for a living", "your work", "your career"

What is the meaning of comment est la vie?

It means, "How is life?" in French.

What is the meaning of jeux de vie?

What is the meaning of jeux de vie?Play or Game of life depending on contextSteve~ ~ ~Loosely translated, it means "Joy of life" or "Joy of living."Basically, a person who has jeux de vie is someone who loves life so much it shows in everything they do. They're not just happy to be alive, they're excited about it!

What does 'C'est le sens de la vie' mean in French?

It's the meaning of life.

What is Cajun French translation for that is life?

The turn of phrase 'such is life' is best expressed in French as 'c'est la vie' - literally, it is life. In meaning and intent, the phrases are interchangeable.

La vie en rose what does it mean in English?

'la vie en rose' is an expression meaning literally 'life in rose'. The sense of it is similar of the English expression 'a rose garden' meaning a blissful, happy life. ^ The person who wrote that ( the above answer) is incorrect. "La vie en rose" literally and simply means "Life in Pink". Google this if you don't believe me :P