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"je t'aime" (phonetically 'zhu tem' for Americans) means "I love you" in French.

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Q: What is the meaning of the french word zhu tem?
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What is 'cute boy' in French?

Garçon mignon [for younger boys] or Jeune homme[for older boys] mignon may be French equivalents of 'cute boy'. The masculine noun 'garçon' means 'boy'. The adjective 'jeune' means 'young'. The masculine noun 'homme' means 'man'. The masculine adjective 'mignon'means 'cute'. All together, they respectively are pronounced 'gahr-soh mee-nyoh' and 'zhu-nuhm mee-nyoh'.

Can you translate 'C'est tout'?

The statement 'Je t'aime mon amie' means I love you, my friend. In the word-by-word translation, the personal pronoun 'je' means 'I'. The personal pronoun 'te'* means 'you'. The verb 'aime' means '[I] love'. The adjective 'mon' means 'my'. The noun 'amie' means 'friend'. *The letter 'e' is dropped in front of a word that begins with a vowel or an unaspirated 'h'.

What is 'Je veux ton amour Je ne veux pas etre amis' when translated from French to English?

"You would not like (want, wish) to become my friend" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase Tu ne voudrais pas devenir mon amie. The pronunciation of the words spoken to a female listener will be "tyoon voo-dreh pad vuh-neer mo-na-mee" in northerly French and "tyoo nuh voo-dreh pa duh-vuh-neer mo-na-mee" in southerly French.

What rhymes with dew and two?

1 syllable:beu, bleu, blew,blue, boo, brew,brue, chew, chiu,choo, chou, chu,clue, coo, cou,coup, crew, crewe,cue, deux, dew,do, doo, douwe,drew, dru, ewe,few, flew, flu,flue, foo, frew,frueh, fu, glew,glue, gnu, goo,grew, grewe, gu,gue, hew, hewe,hoo, hou, houx,hsu, hu, hue,jew, joo, ju,jue, kew, khoo,khuu, koo, ku,kyu, leu, lew,liu, loo, lou,louw, loux, lu,lue, mew, moo,mu, nu, ooh,oooh, ou, peugh,pew, phew, phu,plew, plue, poo,pooh, pou, prew,pru, prue, prugh,pshew, pu, pugh,q, q., qu,que, queue, rew,rhew, rhue, rioux,roux, rue, schewe,schoo, schou, schue,schuh, screw, shew,shiu, shoe, shoo,shu, shue, siew,sioux, skew, slew,soo, spew, stew,strew, stu, stuewe,sue, thew, threw,through, thru, treu,trew, trieu, true,tsu, u, u.,uwe, view, vous,vue, who, woo,xu, xue, yew,yoo, you, yu,yue, zhou, zhu,zoo, zue

What rhymes with toilet?

bluth, booth, buth, fruth, gluth, guth, huth, kluth, knuth, lueth, luth, meuth, muth, pluth, puth, rueth, Ruth, schuth, sleuth, truth, youth, babe Ruth, duluth, in truth, phone booth, sales booth, uncouth, untruth, vermouth, wermuth, bloom of youth, dry vermouth, french vermouth, gospel truth, polling booth, sweet vermouth, ticket booth, voting booth, fountain of youth, george Herman Ruth, telephone booth , Italian vermouth bluth, booth, buth, fruth, gluth, guth, huth, kluth, knuth, lueth, luth, meuth, muth, pluth, puth, rueth, Ruth, schuth, sleuth, truth, youth, babe Ruth, duluth, in truth, phone booth, sales booth, uncouth, untruth, vermouth, wermuth, bloom of youth, dry vermouth, french vermouth, gospel truth, polling booth, sweet vermouth, ticket booth, voting booth, fountain of youth, george Herman Ruth, telephone booth , Italian vermouth

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Are zhu zhu pets poison?

Zhu zhu pets are not poison.

Are zhu zhu pets wind up toys?

No, zhu zhu pets run on battery with wheels on the bottom.(i have two zhu zhu's!)

Is a zhu zhu pet a hamster?

yes a zhu zhu pet is a toy hamster's. Zhu zhu pets are actually the first interactive toy hamster of it's kind since they have a built in code reader which allows the zhu zhu pet to react to certain responses in different parts of the zhu zhu pets funhouse. The zhu zhu pets have two modes of activity one is the explore mode which allows the zhu zhu pet to move around and the other is the loving mode where the zhu zhu hamster starts to make cooing noises then you should pet your your zhu zhu pet.

Where can you buy zhu zhu pets in Paris?

you can get zhu zhu pets from legranderecre

Are the baby zhu zhu pets fuzzy?

yes zhu zhu babies are fuzzy

Are zhu zhu pets and kung zhu made by the same company?

yes but zhu zhu pets have high levels of antimony.

How can you log your zhu zhu pet on the zhu zhu pet website?

I'm afraid you can't.

Where can you buy Zhu Zhu pet skunks?

You can buy Zhu Zhu pet skunks on Amazon.