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酔った (yotta) means "got drunk" and is past-tense for 酔う (you) which means "to get drunk". You can also use 酔っ払った (yopparatta) which also means "got drunk" and is past-tense for 酔っ払う (yopparu), another verb meaning "to get drunk".

酩酊 (meitei) is also a term meaning "drunkenness", so using verbal past-tense 酩酊した (meiteishita) is like saying "badly drunk".

There is also 泥酔 (deisui) which is "dead drunk", so 泥酔した (deisuishita) is like saying "seriously drunk".

The Japanese also have a word for drunk drive, 飲酒運転 (inshuunten), so to say you are drunk driving, you say 飲酒運転をする (inshuunten wo suru) [not that you would be, please drink responsibly].

Lastly, there is グデングデン (gudenguden) which is an adjective form for "dead drunk", though you could easily say 泥酔した人 (deisuishita hito) to convey "drunk person".

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