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The English word 'bastard' comes from the French word 'bâtard' (masc.) in French, formerly spelled 'bastard' in Old French.

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Q: What is the word bastard in French?
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What is French for bastard?


What country does the word bastard come from?

It appears to be Middle English or Anglo-French in origins. See link below.

What is the female form of bastard?

The word "bastard" is gender neutral.

Is the word bastard a curse word?


How do you say bastard in Welsh?

In Welsh, the word for "bastard" is "basdard."

Is bastard a word yes or no?

i guess

What is the difference between bastard and basterd?

The correct spelling is "bastard". The word "basterd" is made-up.

What is the opposite word for bastard?

The opposite of bastard is genuine and/or born within wedlock, of identifiable roots.

Is William the Bastard French?

Duke William of Normandy, William the Bastard, was Norman French. These were descendents of Vikings who had invaded Normandy some years before and although they adopted the French language, still lived by the customs of the Vikings.

How do you say i am a french bastard?

je suis un salaud de français

Can we use bastard for female?

Wwomen are also bastard because bastard will come out from the act of both. A bastard is a child born out of wedlock although we rarely use that term to day, and it was used on both genders.

What is the definition of bastard?

Many seem to think that the word "bastard" is a swear word. However, after quite some research, the word or term bastard is also known as being a child that was born out of wedlock. The word can also be used when referring to someone who is mean. The term is very unpleasant to use towards people.