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Q: What was the greatest fear of the Indian tribes during the French and Indian War?
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Which Indian tribes helped the French in the French and Indian War?

The Huron and Alagonquin

Who were the french in the french and Indian war?

Allies of France during the French and Indian War were some of the Native Americans. They included the tribes of Ottawa's and Mississauga.

Which Indian tribes attacked the french in the French and Indian War?


Why did the Iroquois fight with the British during the french and Indian war?

to replace missing members of their tribes

Why did majority of the native American tribes side with the french during the french and Indian war?

To prevent the British from expanding and taking more land

What were the Indian allies of the french?

The Iroquois and the Algonquin tribes.

What were the tribes in the French and Indian War?

Several Native American tribes were involved in the French and Indian War. On the French side were the Shawnee, Algonquian, and Ottawa. On the British side were the Iroquois, Seneca and Onondaga.

Did the French give the Native Americans guns?

Yes. During the French-Indian War, French forces armed allied Indian tribes with guns to conduct guerrilla assaults against the British and the Colonists. Before the French-Indian War, the French, British and Spanish traded guns with the Indians in exchange for Indian knowledge and resources.

What side did most native American tribes join during the French and Indian War and why?

Iroqouis because the British provided them arms.

Which Indian tribes were involved in the French and Indian War?

Well the Iroquois was involved with Britain

Who encouraged Native American tribes to unite against western settlement?

The French persuaded the Native Americans to attack the settlers during the French and Indian War (AKA Seven Years War).

Did the Indian help the French men?

Most of the Native American tribes were allies or had friendly relations to the French, who were more interested in the fur trade then establishing large plantations and expelling local Indian tribes from their lands. One of the few tribes that sided with the British were the Iroquois Confederacy.