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In Spanish, that would be "quedarse en casa". I stay at home is "Yo me quedo en casa".

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Q: Which Spanish expression means to stay at home?
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How do you say stay home in spanish?

Answer: Quedate en casa

What does the Spanish word quedan mean?

it can mean remain..or stay.. for example... ellos se quedan atras..means they stay behind.. and quedan solo dos horas...means only two hours remain.

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Answer Keeping an arms distance is an old expression which means that you should stay away from someone who could end up causing you heart break.

What is a stay at home mom?

The term stay at home mom (or dad) means just as it's stated. This is where a parent chooses to remain at home with the child(ren) indefinately, or until they are in school full time and does not work outside of the home

What do you do if am suspended from school?

then that means you can go back to school for a certain period so just stay home and out of trouble at home

What if when you go to church the boy isn't there do stay or go home?

are you only going to church because of that boy if hes the only reason then by all means go home but if hes not then stay