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This is my answer of course: Because they have hallow-weenies!! :)

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Q: Why don't ghosts have babies?
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What does ghost mean in Spanish?

If you dont believe i them then you wont get haunted by them you just dont believe in them and by the way there id no such things as ghosts people only believe in them because they think that ghosts are the souls of dead people but there not souls just go into heaven there not ghosts but if you want to believe in them then you can !. I really dont think that ghost exist because if souls go to heaven or hell then why would there be lost souls also i only believe in demons or and angel but if there is such things as ghost then i know that they are not good ghost because good souls go to heaven with their king. ------------------ What this person has told you is not true. A person's belief in ghosts is what can keep them alive. If you don't believe in ghosts then they will do some things to make you believe in them. Even hurt you if they have to. Trust me, I've had experience with them. They are real. Just because people haven't seen them or felt them doesn't mean that they don't exist. I mean you can't see air and you know that it exists, right? There are even ghosts in the bible so yeah they exist. Ghosts are spirits of those who have passed on, who are trapped on earth or choose to stay on earth.

Why Are Babies Like Hinges?

Because they are newly handicapped and have never seen so hey feel like they are always laughing

What are names of scary ghosts?


What is the Spanish word for babies?

babies = bebés

What slogan is because healthy babies are happy babies for?


Related questions

How do you recognize ghosts?

you dont they dont exist.

Can ghosts hold your hand if yes why?

i dont think so, but im not saying i dont believe in ghosts.

Do ghosts have toes?

No because ghosts dont need toes they float

Is there such things as ghosts or is it all a myth?

yeah there are ghosts everywhere but there is no evidence i dont believe it.

What do scientist say about ghosts?

some believe in ghosts and some dont. ghosts produce energy that can be picked up by special machines, anyway, i think scientists are to busy making a cure for cancer to be searching for ghosts, dont you you think!! Ghost Buster

Are ghosts afraid of humans?

There is no such thing as ghosts. But if there is they like to scare humans they dont get scared of us

Where tobuy a ghost?

or realize that ghosts DONT EXIST!

Were does ghost live?

they dont... hence being ghosts

Are there ghosts on snowdonia?

No they dont exist its just an illusion

Could cats see ghosts?

No, cats cannot see ghosts as they do not exist. Ghost are just a figure of people's imagination. I repeat GHOSTS DONT EXIST!

Did king Charles you have babies?

no, men dont have babies

How can you sleep with ghosts?

You dont. But you can use your imagination to create an image.