

Could cats see ghosts

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, cats cannot see ghosts as they do not exist. Ghost are just a figure of people's imagination. I repeat GHOSTS DONT EXIST!

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Q: Could cats see ghosts
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Does cats eyes see ghosts?

yes, to tell you the truth cats and dogs can see ghosts.

How do cats see ghosts?

There aren't any ghosts

Can cats really see ghosts?

No -- ghosts don't exist.

Can dogs see or hear things you can't such as ghosts?

I hear that dogs don't really bark at ghosts, but at the devil. Cats are the only one who could see ghosts. A dogs hearing range stretches beyond ours, which is why we sometimes do not know why they bark.

Can cats weaken ghosts?

No, cat can not weaken ghosts. In fact, a cat will most likely be afraid when they see a ghost.

Why are there sayings that cats and dogs can see ghosts?

Many people believe dogs and cats have a 6 sense. (like some humans have.) It allows them to sense and see spirits, Ghosts and demons. After Alot of research. Scientists believe this also.

If you believe that you have the power to see ghosts is there something wrong with you?

only if you think that the ghosts can talk *another answer* If you can definately see or contact ghosts, then you could be psychic :)

Are there any specialists that could help you see ghosts?

Anyone who claims he can make you see ghosts is a con artist.

Can cats and babies see ghosts?

I don't really know,but i highly doubt it because babies are so young and they won't really know what they saw if they ever did see a ghost.And cats are animals.We see their spirits.They don't see ours. And if they did,how would they tell us??

Do cats see angels?

It is said that animals can see spirits. Whether they mean ghosts or angels depends on who someone is talking to.

Can you see ghosts as real people?

Nobody in the world really knows how we see can ghosts if they are real. They could very possibly appear as real as we are.

When cats pupils are big does it mean they can see ghosts?

Cat's pupils enlarge when there is low light and when they are excited by something. Typically when they see something surprising or that they consider prey, their pupils will enlarge. There is no reason to think that they are seeing ghosts when this happens.