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Technically, no animal is a simple machine. Simple machines are the basic elements which comprise all other machines. Though some people compare animals to machines and comparisons between anatomy and simple machines might be possible, they are far from obvious.

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Q: What are some animals that are examples of simple machines?
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what is a compound machine?

A compound machine is a machine that consists of more than one simple machine. Some compound machines consist of just two simple machines. You can read below about two examples—the wheelbarrow and corkscrew. Other compound machines, such as bicycles, consist of many simple machines.

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some simple machines do need wires and some dont

What is a coumpound machine?

A compound machine consists of two or more simple machines put together. In fact, most machines are compound machines. Compound machines can do more difficult jobs than simple machines alone. Their mechanical advantage is far greater, too. Some examples are a pair of scissors and a bicycle.

What are some examples of compound machines that are made up of two simple machines that a 3rd or 4th grader would be able to make?

A wheel barrow or a psh lawn mower

What kind of machine is made of two or more simple machines-?

A compound machine is made up of two or more simple machines. Most of the machines we see today are compound machines, some examples are: zippers, can openers, bicycles, staplers, scissors, pencil sharpeners, ceiling fans, pizza cutters, wheelbarrows, and bulldozers.

Why are simple machines called machines?

it can fix some thins,materials

Is eraser a simple machine?

Yes, a eraser is a simple machine, If we say what are simple machines, simple machines are machines that have mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force. In general, they can be defined as the simplest mechanisms. We have 6 types of simple machines, which are, inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Six simple machines for transforming energy into work. lever, is the type of a simple machine that have something to push down against. Some common examples are, like eraser, door handles, hinges, light switches and more.

Give examples of complex machines and simple machines?

Well complex machines are usually hard to assemble and some times electronic like an xbox a microwave ect. A simple machine are usually made up of gears and wires like a clothes line a yo-yo ect. hope this helps

What are some simple machines in a car?

there are gears

What are some machines that seem simple but aren't?


What are some examples of machines?

a screwdriver opening a the lid of a paint can

What kind of simple machines are in a kitchen?

There are several kinds of simple machines in a kitchen. Some machines in a kitchen are a toaster, toaster oven, blender, electric can-opener, coffee maker, and a microwave.