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Q: Need a trigger guard for a Stevens model 94 single shot shotgun serial number p900880?
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What is a J Stevens Arms and Tools model VP 611 single shot shotgun worth?

Not a model number. If you are finding that stamped behind the trigger guard it is an assembly number. In any event, virtually any Stevens single-shot shotgun is going to sell for less than $100.

Did Stevens make a model 337 shotgun?

All my records indicate that stevens did not make a model 337 shotgun.If your stevens shotgun is marked U337 under the receiver,this would be a serial number,not a model number.

What is value of Stevens 335 shotgun?

The value of a Stevens 335 shotgun would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would be the age and condition of the shotgun.

When was your Stevens shotgun made with serial number 97211?

with a serial number of E261611

What number do you use to cross reference a Riverside shotgun to J Stevens model numbers?

The Riverside model number will be identical to the Stevens number.

What year is a Stevens model 311 series h 12 gauge double barrel double trigger shotgun serial number D150178?

You will have to contact Savage directly for the answer to your question.I beleive that the serial numbers to the Stevens model 311 side by side shotgun are not in the public domain.I can say that the model 311 was discontinued in the year 1989.

What is the value of a Stevens model311C 410 double barrel shotgun?

Where is serial number on stevens 311c 410?

Where is serial number located on Stevens shotgun?

Depends on model and when it was made. I have a Stevens 84-C that has no SN on it.

What is the value of a Stevens 820 B shotgun?

The value of a Stevens 820 B shotgun is actually dependent upon a number of factors. Some of those factors include the age and condition of the shotgun.

What do the letters OM and numbers 755 behind the trigger guard of a J Stevens Arms and Tool Co 12 gauge single shot shotgun mean?

Might have been a serial number, might be an assembly number.

What is the value of a Stevens 410 shotgun?

AnswerNeed more information, such as model number and condition. Stevens made several types of .410 shotgun. sales@countrygunsmith.netMY SHOTGUN IS A PUMP WESTPOINT MODEL 167 STEVENS ARMS WESTFIELD MASS VERY GOOD CONDITION

Where do you find the model number on an aya sixteen gauge shotgun?

Under trigger