Lea is a grazing area or open land for cultivation.
The word is lea, an open area of grassy or arable land.
A large grazing area
a grazing are is an area of grass where animals(cows, horses, ect) graze (eat grass)
One answer would be :Ranch. another could be range
In terms of animal nutrition, zero grazing is cattle grazing in an enclosed area. In other words, grazing cattle in a limited land. i.e grazing rotation. Ex. You have 25m2 of land,you divided into four plots.During grazing one plot,the other three plots are restricted.when they finished you allow second plot so on.
acre area
Algebra, Academic, area, addition
A horse can have as big area for grazing just don't make it too small. I keep my horses in about 1-2 acres and my horse is healthy.