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THE one YOU can HOLD

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15y ago

A fruit bat.

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Q: What kind of bat should you use to hit homers with?
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When was The Kid Who Only Hit Homers created?

The Kid Who Only Hit Homers was created in 1972.

Should arod keep his 2003 mvp even though he used steroids?

yes because he probably would have hit 40-50 homers! and one year without steroids he hit 54 homers!

Who hit the most homers in the world?

Barry bonds

When will arod hit 600 Homers?

he hit against the bluejays pitcher Shawn marcum

What kind of bat do people prefer the most?

Most people would prefer a aluminum bat as you can hit the ball further with an aluminum bat with the help of the strength of the aluminum.

How many homers did Ryan Howward hit in 2006?

58 58

How many SF Giants pitchers have hit homers?

158 for sure!!!!!

How many carrerr home runs has Arod hit after season 2008?

Alex Rodriguez had 553 career home runs after the 2008 season.

Who hit the most homers in his career?

Barry Bonds hit 762 home runs from 1986 to 2007.

How many home runs did Brandon Phillips hit in the2009 season?

He hit 20 homers in 2009

Where can you get the electaurus on Simpson's hit and hit PlayStation 2?

you have to win all three races in homers level.

Reggie Jackson hit five Homers in how many games?

Reggie Jackson hit 5 homers in the 1977 World Series, which was a 6-game series. He hit one in game 4, one in game 5, and three in game 6.