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Q: Sparta women were trained in
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Could women be warriors in Sparta?

Yes. They were actually trained to become mothers and warriors.

Who was the first athlete women in history ever?

In Sparta women competed in their own games, for which they trained the whole year.

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Who gave women the most freedom Athens or Sparta?

Well in Sparta, women didnt have much rights but had more freedom than women in Athens so you can say Sparta

How were the roles of women different in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens women had no rights. In Sparta women had lots of rights

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What did the men do in Sparta?

Spartan male citizens exclusively trained for war, according to sources. Farming and craftworking was largely left to women and subservient or allied populations.

Were boys trained to be loyal soldiers by Athens or Sparta?


What are the differences and similarities of women in Sparta and women in Anthens?

Sparta women lived freely while athen women couldn't even leave the house.

Did Athens or Sparta have women who did not participate in public life?

I believe it was Sparta that did not have women participate in public life.