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"For you I will do it" or "I will do it for you" may be English equivalents of "Je le ferai pour toi."

The subject pronoun "je" means "I." The direct object pronoun "le" means "it." The verb "ferai" means "(I) will do, make" as the future tense of the infinitive "faire" in the first person singular. The preposition "pour" means "for." The personal pronoun "toi" means '(informal) you."

All together, the pronunciation is "zhuh luh freh poor twah."

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14y ago

"For you I will do it" or "I will do it for you" may be English equivalents of "Pour toi je le ferai."

The subject pronoun "je" means "I." The direct object pronoun "le" means "it." The verb "ferai" means "(I) will do, make" as the future tense of the infinitive "faire" in the first person singular. The preposition "pour" means "for." The personal pronoun "toi" means '(informal) you."

All together, the pronunciation is "zhuh luh freh poor twah."

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Q: What is the French 'Pour toi je le ferai' in English?
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