The Portuguese equivalent of the English word 'congratulations' is the following: felicitações. The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: feh-LEE-see-tah-SOYSH. The letter 'c' with the tail tells you that the sound always is the sound of 's', as in 'simple'. The accent over the 'o' tells you that the sound always is more nasalized than a regular 'o'.
"Boa sorte e Melhores desejos" is a Portuguese equivalent of "Good luck and Best wishes."
The feminine adjective "boa" means "good." The feminine noun "sorte" means "luck." Its singular definite article is "a" ("the"), and its singular indefinite article is "uma" ("a, one"). The conjunction "e" means "and." The masculine/feminine adjective "melhores" means "best." The masculine noun "desejos" means "desires, wishes." Its plural definite article is "os," and its plural indefinite article is "uns" ("some").
The pronunciation is "BOH-uh SOHR-tchee ee mee-LYOH-reezh djee-SEH-zhoosh."
Joy is the English equivalent of 'gozo'. The Portuguese word is a masculine gender noun in the singular. The plural form is 'gozos'.
Stag is not a portuguese word.
The Portuguese word for lady is "senhora."
The word "plain" in Portuguese can be translated as "plano" or "simples".
KEE-fee is a Portuguese pronunciation of 'Keefe'. It isn't a word in Portuguese. A Portuguese speaker tends to apply Portuguese pronunciation rules to this non-Portuguese word.
The plural form of the word "Portuguese" is "Portuguese." It remains the same in both singular and plural forms.
The word quickness in portuguese is velocidade or rapidez.
There isn't such word in the Portuguese Language.
The Portuguese word for slave is "escravo."
The word for Mrs in Portuguese is "Senhora".
The word for yes in Portuguese is "sim".