30 pounds
The average weight of 9 months old baby girl is approx 19.62 pounds.
A baby Pangolin should weight 6-to 8 ounces
A baby three months old should be getting fed breast milk as it is better for your baby. It has all of the nutrients and vitamins a baby needs. A baby should get about 4 ounces of formula.
about 15 pounds
Baby's Age Healthy Weight Range Healthy Height Range 8 Months 7.1 Kg - 10.9 Kg 66.0 cm - 76.0 cm 8 Months 15.6 lbs - 24.0 lbs 26.0 inches - 29.9 inches
around 10kg
Baby tigers weigh around 2 to 3 pounds at birth. They gain weight rapidly in the first few months of life as they rely on their mother's milk for nourishment.
not much
60-70;lbs is a good weight.