

Best Answer

Yes, many women find it scary. Some are scared because their body is changing and they feel ill. Others are scared of giving birth.

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Q: Is it scary being pregnant
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Can a scary movie hurt you being pregnant?

during the 1950s horror movies advertising gimicks, tag lines like this movie is so scary it should not be seen by people wiyh weak hearts ,the elderly ,or pregnant women it was all b.s. but it sold tickets and started urban such.

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yes you can do watever you want but it depends on how you take being scared if it will shock you please don't go cause i had a friend and she had a miscarriage cause of being socked which might happen to you so my advice would be not to go have anymore questions hit me up!

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Personally, I do not find any Halo games to be scary and I am a girl. That being said, everyone's version of "scary" is different.

How do you stop your scary dreams?

spend your whole day being happy and try not to think of anything scary.

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can being stressed about being pregnant give you symptons like nausea and things like that and you not be pregnant

Does being afraid of scary movies make you a baby?

No! The very objective of scary movies is to make the viewer afraid. Being afraid of scary movies is perfectly acceptable and common. It simply means that the director is doing their job well.

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Being kidnapped means fear, scary, frightening, and other scary things you can think of

What are the odds of you being pregnant?

The odds of me being pregnant are 0 as I am male.

Are pregnant people scary?

Oh for sure!! They have big round tummies, that can C R U S H you!!

How can you do after sex not pregnant?

Use real contraceptives and use them right. If this is too scary or intimidating to you you shouldn't be having sex.