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Q: Americans with Disabilities Act was created to lower physical and legal obstacles for people with disabilities?
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Was The Americans with Disabilities Act was created to lower physical and legal obstacles for people with disabilities.true or false?

The Americans with Disabilities Act was created to lower physical and legal obstacles for people with disabilities.

What disabilities do seniors have?

Some have physical and mental disabilities.

How is the term disability defined in the Americans with disabilities Act?

The term disability is defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act as anyone with a physical or mental impairment that affects the daily functioning of life. The Americans with Disabilities Act states that accommodations must be made to these individuals for employment or services to which they are entitled.

What is the law that ensures physical accessibility for students with disabilities in schools by the the way of design construction or remodeling?

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA") is our fundamental law in this area.

Is the federal government justified in applying the Americans with Disabilities Act to allow Fred Graham's son to attend his neighborhood school?

Absolutely, because that guarantees the child the right to an education. Regardless to his physical or mental disabilities, since then Americans with disabilities were given the right to a proper education just like everyone else.

How do people get mental of physical disabilities?

People can get mental or physical disabilities through a variety of factors, including genetics, illness, injury, or environmental factors. Mental disabilities can also be caused by brain injury or chemical imbalances, while physical disabilities can result from accidents, developmental issues, or aging. Early intervention and appropriate support can help individuals manage and cope with their disabilities.

What are the people called in the paralympics?

Athletes, or Paralympians, in the same way that athletes in the Olympics are called Olympians.

Are people with physical or mental disabilities excused from jury duty?

With mental disabilities, yes. With physical disabilities, it depends. They certainly wouldn't have any trouble being excused if they wished to be, though I'm refering to the traditional "physical disabilities", not the ones that count nowadays for SSI. Obviously if the disability was such that they could not hear or see the evidence, they'd be excused.

Can mental disabilities be covered under long-term care insurance?

disabilities are not confined to these physical situations; they can be mental as well

Who is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Legislation passed in 1990 that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. Under this Act, discrimination against a disabled person is illegal in employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and government activities.

What are the similarities between an intellectual disability and a learning disability?

Physical disabilities affects someone physically often you can see when someone has a physical disabilities. A learning disabilities can't be seen just by looking at the person, it comes out in how they learn, read, write and so on.

What law provides protection and help for people with physical or mental problem that affect day-to-day living?

Americans with Disabilities Act