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No. She confessed and was therefore kept in jail, but allowed to live if she offered testimony against the other accused.

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Q: Did Tituba from Salem witch trials hang?
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Why did Reverend Hale leave Salem?

He left Salem because he thought that it was possible many of the people he sentenced to hang were indeed innocent, and didn't want to take part of a court of lies.

How is Macbeth's claim that he will sleep no more foreshadowed by the witches in Act I.iii?

That is what the First Witch does to the Master of the Tiger, after his wife refused to give the witch chestnuts. "I will drain him dry as hay; sleep shall neither night nor day hang upon his pent-house lid. He shall live a man forbid."

Why is reverend Hale in Salem?

In the story "The Crucible," Reverend Hale goes to Salem because he is an expert on demonic arts, and Reverend Parris wants him to examine Betty. The reason for why he returned was because He came back to try and get the people who are about to be hanged to confess in order to save their lives. He tries to get Danforth to postpone the hangings as well. Hale now knows the trials were lies started by teenage girls who got caught doing something wrong. He is mostly concerned for Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor who are the first of the town's upstanding citizens to be hanged. He wants them to confess so they won't hang. He's trying to save their lives. Act four- Danforth: "You baffle me, sir. Why have you returned here? Hale: "Why, it is all simple. i come to do the devil's work. I come to counsel christians they should belie themselves. there is blood on my head! can not see the blood on my head!!" To pray with the people who are condemned to hang.

What is John Proctors external conflict in The Crucible?

John Proctor conflicts with society because he does not believe that the children are "witched". John Proctor conflicts with his wife because he wants to forget the affair with Abigail but Elizabeth seems to hang on to the hurt the affair caused. John Proctor conflicts with Reverend Hale because Hale does not see the trials as false in time to save Elizabeth. John Proctor conflicts with Danforth in that Danforth will not let the trials stop.

Where did the saved by the bell gang hang out?

The Max

Related questions

How many people were hang during the Salem Witch Trials episode?

Nineteen people were hanged during the Salem witch trials.

What was the name of the first witch of the Salem witch trials?

The first three women to be tried in Salem were Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborn. Soon after these three women were accused, multiple accusations swept across Salem and many were put in jail or sentenced to hang.

During the Salem witch trials who said I am no more a witch than you are if you hang me?

The complete line is "I am no more a witch than you are and if you hang me, "god" will give you blood to drink." Sarah Goode said that to Nicholas Noyes, the reverand of the Salem Town church, before she was hanged. Ironically, two and a half decades later, Noyes died coughing up the blood from a brain hemorrhage.

How did the red scare influence Miller?

he saw that the red scare was just like the Salem witch trials. during the trials people were convited for bing so called "witches" and were sentened to hang, but the proof was a comlete hoax and the people were hanged for no rewason. you should reed the crucible and compare it to the 50s red scare

What year did they hang the Salem witches?

All the trials and executions took place in 1692. The incident only extended into 1693 because it takes time to get a petition for the authority to clear and release 150 people takes time to get from Boston's governor to London and back.

Where was all of the people hung during Salem witch trials?

In Protestant England and America, witchcraft was considered to be a felony and the punishment for a felony was hanging. On the Continent of Europe, witchcraft was heresy, and the heresy penalty was death by burning.

How were witches treated?

Witches were to be believed evil in the old days. They would usually burn a witch to the stake or just hang them.The accused "witches" were treated terrible. The people of Salem thought that if someone was a witch, the witch would do horrible things. The people also thought that they should get rid of the witches, so they would drown people who they thought was a witch and if you were you would be able to undrown yourself with your powers and it you weren't you were just led there to drown!

How do the residents of Salem define witchcraft?

They usually hang, but sometimes MAY burn them (witches, as they call it)

Why did Reverend Hale leave Salem?

He left Salem because he thought that it was possible many of the people he sentenced to hang were indeed innocent, and didn't want to take part of a court of lies.

What do you do if you spot a witch?

you should test the witch by checking if it floats. You should keep it in a dark smelly whole before you do this as you need to make sure the public knows about it. If the witch floats then you should burn it, quater it and hang it, if the witch sinks then note that it wasn't a witch. Witches voodo dolls should also be burnt.

What happens to you if you didntt confess to being a witch?

They leave you in jail whether you're innocent or not and they'll eventually hang you.

Why did Matthew Hopkins start witch hunting?

because it used to be his job to hang them and he though he'd give it a try.