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Nineteen people were hanged during the Salem witch trials.

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Q: How many people were hang during the Salem Witch Trials episode?
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Who suffered during the Salem witch trials?

a lot of people

How many people were killed during Salem witch trials?

During the Salem Witch Trials in Salem Massachusetts in 1692, 19 were hanged, 1 was pressed to death and as many as 13 died in prison.

How were people killed during the salem witch trials?

The convicted were executed by hanging.

What did people do for recreation during the Salem witch trials?

They would tickle the witch

What were the names of the two people who were pressed to death during the Salem witch trials in 1692?

There was only ONE person pressed to death during the Salem Witch Trials. His name was Giles Corey.

How was witchcraft practiced during the Salem witch trials?

There were no actual, practicing witches invovled, accused or otherwise existing in Salem during the witch trials.

How are the Salem Witch Trials and the Rosenberg Spy Trials alike?

They really aren't. The Salem Witch Trials tried regular people accused of witchcraft and convicted in Puritan society. The Rosenburg Trials tried two people who were trying to spy on the US during a time of diplomatic hostilities.

How were the trials during the Salem Witch Trials different from trials today?

Obviously, the Salem Witch Trials tried a very different crime. But, other than that, the Salem Trials were very much like a normal civil trial today.

What happened to John Proctor after the Salem Witch Trials?

John Proctor was accused and hanged during the Salem Witch Trials.

Where did john proctor live during the Salem witch trials?

outside of Salem

How did the people flee Salem during the Salem witch trials?

Most people did not. Two cases of people who did are known to exist. John Alden sailed to Plymouth and Duxbury, away from Esseex County and the trials. Mary Bradbury was smuggled out by people who did not believe the accusations.

How many people were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials?

19 people were hanged in the Salem Witch Trials and 1 (an old man) was killed by "pressing" because he refused a trial.