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Spooling is an acronym for Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line and involves placement of data in temporary working area for another program to process. Buffering on the hand, is preloading data into a reserved area of memory which is called the buffer.

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Q: Difference between spooling and buffering
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What is the difference between online spooling and offline spooling?

in off line spooling user has no interface with systems it strongly used in Batch system' mean's that you submit your request to system , system will cmputing and print result of request without interface with user.

What is the difference between cache and spooling?

Buffering is a method of overlapping the computation of a job with its execution. It temporarily stores input or output data in an attempt to better match the speeds of two devices such as a fast CPU and a slow disk drive. If, for example, the CPU writes information to the buffer, it can continue in its computation while the disk drive stores the information. With spooling, the disk is used as a very large buffer. Usually complete jobs are queued on disk to be completed later. A typical example is the spooler for a printer. When a print job is issued, the spooler takes care of it, sending it to the printer if it is not busy, or storing it on disk otherwise. The main difference between buffering and spooling is that the latter allows the I/O of one job to overlap the computation of another. Buffering only allows the I/O of a job to overlap with its own computation. Nikheel Spooling is better than Buffering all the way... In Spooling,CPU Allows overlap of one Job with the computation and output of other job...whereas in Buffering,the CPU overlaps input,output and processing of a single Job. (Job = Program) Even in a simple system,the spooler may be reading the input of one job while printing the output of a different job. newtest3

Difference between automatic buffering and explicit buffering?

Explicit buffering is also known as "Zero Capacity Buffering" where it has maximum length of 0. Automatic buffering can be either "Bounded Capacity Buffering" or "Unbounded Capacity Buffering"

What is the difference between automatic buffering and explicit buffering?

Explicit buffering is also known as "Zero Capacity Buffering" where it has maximum length of 0. Automatic buffering can be either "Bounded Capacity Buffering" or "Unbounded Capacity Buffering"

What do you mean by spooling?

Spooling is a way of buffering something through a file. If you directly access the printer with a program, then the program is tied up until printing is finished. But you could send the output of the program to a file and the operating system can send it to the printer as needed in the background.

What is spooling and buffering?

I believe buffering is a technique used for sound and other files that will slowly upload bits so that applications have continuity in processing commands. Buffering is a method of overlapping the computation of a job with its execution. It temporarily stores input or output data in an attempt to better match the speeds of two devices such as a fast CPU and a slow disk drive. If, for example, the CPU writes information to the buffer, it can continue in its computation while the disk drive stores the information. With spooling, the disk is used as a very large buffer. Usually complete jobs are queued on disk to be completed later. A typical example is the spooler for a printer. When a print job is issued, the spooler takes care of it, sending it to the printer if it is not busy, or storing it on disk otherwise. Difference:---- Buffering overlaps input, output and processing of a single job whereas Spooling allows CPU to overlap the input of one job with the computation and output of other jobs. Therefore this approach is better than buffering. Even in a simple system, the spooler may be reading the input of one job while printing the output of a different job.

What is a spool for in computers?

Spooling is a buffering technique used to hold data that is to be sent to a slow hardware device (e.g. printer) so that the software does not have to wait idle for the device to complete what it is doing.

What is the difference between aspirin to buffered aspirin?

Buffered aspirin has an added buffering agent so that it is easier on the stomach.

Why is spooling necessary for batch programming?

advantage of spooling

Sending print jobs to a buffer instead of immediately to the printer?


What is Spooling turbo chargers?

Any turbo-charger that spins pressurised air into the cylinder makes a high pitched spooling sound is called a spooling turbo charger.